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Reports are presented in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them.
Adobe Acrobat format offers the ability either to view reports without printing them on paper, or to print just one page or a range of pages. These reports can be run on an as-needed basis to save paper.
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Course Reports
Prerequisite Hold Report
This report lists all students who have had a course put on hold because of missing prerequisite course(s).
Enrolment Reports
Active Student Enrolment

This report lists all students enrolled in your school as well as specific demographic and enrolment information for each student.

The enrolment information is as of current day. The use of this report is ongoing.

Active Summary Enrolment
This is a shortened version of the Active Student Enrolment Report. The enrolment information is as of current day. The use of this report is ongoing.
Enrolment Activity
This report is to be used to support the Sep 30 enrolment verification. This report displays the enrolment activity at the user's school during the parameters that have been provided.
Home Room Educator
This report displays home room educators and the students that have been assigned to them.
Organization Affiliation

There are two reports, one report displays the students enrolled in a different organization that have an affiliation with th selected organization.

The other report displays the students enrolled in the selected organization that have an affiliation with another organization.

PreKindergarten Student
This report displays students enrolled in PreKindergarten.
School Division Enrolment Verification
This report is to be used to support the Sep 30 enrolment verification. This report includes enrolments up to and including September 30.
School Enrolment Verification
This report is to be used to support the Sep 30 enrolment verification. This report includes enrolments up to and including September 30.
Student Detail Enrolment Verification
This report is to be used to support the Sep 30 enrolment verification.
This is an exception report that will print based on the user's selection of grade level, base/non-base status, residency status, or tuition status. It will help identify those students that need follow-up from an enrolment perspective without utilizing the resources necessary to create and analyze detailed reports for all students in a school to find the exception information. This report includes enrolments up to and including September 30.
Students Not Re-enrolled

This report lists all students who were withdrawn from your school and have not re-enrolled in another school within the province.

The students are grouped by the period of time from the date of their last enrollment (up to 30 days, 30-60 days, 60-90 days, 90+ days).

Students Without an Active Grade

This report lists all students attached to a school that do not have a grade enrolment.

Registration Reports
Student Registration
This report lists all students who are registered in a Grade 10, 11 or 12 class for a specific session.

This report should be run as soon as the class registrations have been submitted to the department.
Accreditation Reports
Active Accreditation Report
This report lists all teachers who are accredited to teach different courses.
Locally Developed Reports
Locally Developed Report
This report lists the locally developed, modified and advanced courses that your organization has received approval to offer.
Mark Reports
Like Credit Report
This report lists all students who have had a course put on hold because they have received a credit in a similar class, which is considered a like credit.
Mark Reporting Form
This report lists all students who are registered in a Grade 10, 11 or 12 class for a specific session. School marks provided to the department will appear on the report; marks can be manually recorded on the report as well.

This report can be run as soon as the class registrations have been submitted to the department.
Student Assessment
The Student Assessment Report displays the Student Assessment levels by Home Room Educator by student.

The Student Assessment Report displays the Student Assessment levels by Home Room Educator by student.
Student Transcript Reports
Guidance Counsellor Authorization Form
School/counsellors must have written authorization to access a student's profile if the student is not currently enrolled in the school. Click on the link above to print an authorization form. This form must be kept on file for 5 years.
Individual Student Profile
Choose this function to produce a profile for an individual student in your school.
Student Profiles
Choose this function to produce profiles for multiple students in your school. These profiles can be retrieved up to a week after they are requested.
Individual Graduation Completion Requirements
This report displays graduation requirements for a student. It will display the requirements that have been fulfilled and those that are missing for a specific student.
Graduation Completion Requirements
Choose this function to produce Graduation Completion Requirements for multiple students in your school. These Graduation Completion Requirements can be retrieved up to a week after they are requested.
Security Reports
System User List
This report lists all external users by their associated organization.